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Throughout 2024 Stephen Bediako OBE, in collaboration with Louise Mousseau and Fancy Sinantha, collaborated with the Tudor Trust to support the Trust’s transition from being a family funder, to being an independent one.

This saw the trio co-author an internally focused piece of research on approaches to philanthropy, followed by an externally focused piece. This externally focused report ultimately re-imagined what a total asset approach could be for Tudor, in the context of the organisation’s transformation. This fundamentally culminated in a series of recommendations that encouraged the Tudor Trust to take a total assets approach to the ways in which it does philanthropy. 

At its core, a total asset approach is about using all of a foundation’s resources to drive mission aligned impact. This includes moving from commercial to social impact investments, as well as prioritising impact aligned organisations in all supply chains. 

Of note, the Tudor Trust has since said that it recognises the value of this report and that it not only wants to implement its recommendations, but that it wants to “go further and rethink our people, practices and our relationship with our grantees so that we can leverage shared knowledge and experience for maximum impact”.

Stephen Bediako commented: I’m very pleased to have been able to author this report; from a personal perspective, it’s important as it draws upon my experience in the U.S.A. I’ve been able to look at the ways in which family foundations in the US work, this report considering their decision-making practices, encouraging intersectional racial justice, and ensuring that we harnessing the potential of communities that need to be brought into the philanthropic conversation.”

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